// Musui’s Story: The Autobiography of a Tokugawa Samurai - Katsu Kokichi  A rare first-hand account of 19th century Japan told through the unfiltered eyes and voice of a real life samurai. Kokichi describes an adolescence filled with har
Kyle Fortinsky Kyle Fortinsky

// Musui’s Story - Katsu Kokichi

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   // Fifty Days of Solitude - Doris Grumbach  Doris Grumbach, now 102 years young, chronicles the six winter weeks she spent alone at her coastal Maine home when she was 75. As an added challenge, she decided to speak to no one during her s
Kyle Fortinsky Kyle Fortinsky

// Fifty Days of Solitude - Doris Grumbach

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   // You Can’t Win - Jack Black  Not  that  Jack Black. The late 19th and early 20th century hobo and burglar Jack Black. First published in 1926,  You Can’t Win  is Black’s memoir chronicling his life on the road, time spent in prison, and
Kyle Fortinsky Kyle Fortinsky

// You Can’t Win - Jack Black

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