// Nomadland - Jessica Bruder  Bruder spent years immersed in the life of transient Americans who call the road and their mode of transportation (RV’s, motor homes, sedans) home. A predominantly Social Security- collecting eligible group,
Kyle Fortinsky Kyle Fortinsky

// Nomadland - Jessica Bruder

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   // Northland - Porter Fox  A well-written account of Fox’s 4,000 mile journey across America’s northern border, from Maine to Washington, which happens to be the longest international boundary on earth. Fox offers educational and historic
Kyle Fortinsky Kyle Fortinsky

// Northland - Porter Fox

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   // Bruce Chatwin - The Songlines  Traversing Outback Australia, Chatwin explores the ancient Aboriginal dreaming tracks created by nomadic tribes. A balanced mix of travel memoir, philosophy, and historical research.
Kyle Fortinsky Kyle Fortinsky

// The Songlines - Bruce Chatwin

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